Currently studying in NUS, Information Systems.
This is my front-end/UIUX portfolio.
The College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) is a residential college of the National
University of Singapore for undergraduates from all faculties and schools across NUS.
On 11 March 2017, CAPT warmly welcomed over 900 visitors to the College. Open Day
serves as a time for CAPTains to work together and share their appreciation for the
College with incoming freshmen, who may then decide to join the CAPT family and
similarly experience residential living at CAPT.
Created with Bootstrap (HTML/CSS) and Javascript (jQuery).
LearnInc is a tuition agency located in Singapore.
Site created with Wordpress, includes set up of Google Analytics, domain/server.
Site at
Comcrop is an urban farm situated in Singapore.
Site created with Wordpress, includes set up of Google Analytics, domain/server.
Site at
NUSMods+ is a redesign of, which is a
website that allows NUS students to select modules and plan their timetable for the
semester accordingly. NUSMods+ main additional features include adding custom
activities, removing existing activities and overlaying other timetables to find common
‘free slots’.
For this User Interface and User Experience project, my team and I conducted user
studies, storyboarding, prototyping on Adobe XD, and user testing sessions.
View more on Behance
This app aims to aid students when they are taking the IS3261 module in NUS. It consists
of basic and supplementary materials to guide students while they attempt the tutorial
exercises. According to, there are
seven learning styles. Considering that different students may have different learning
styles, techniques, and preferences, this app aims to help students utilize multiple
learning styles, improving their speed and quality of learning.
Created with Android Studio
View more on Github
This poster that was created for a group assignment features User Interface design
Created with Adobe Illustrator.
more on Behance
Fat Rice was a food and beverage startup situated at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. They wanted a
new and simple menu design that highlights the nutritional benefits of their rice
rolls. These minimalistic menu designs helped to align their brand’s positioning as a
healthy yet affordable food option in school.
Created with Adobe Illustrator.
more on Behance